23 Dec 2011

LASER Beam Machining (LBM)

LASER is produced by the Rubi  Cystal (crystalline Aluminium Oxide) with the help of a Xenon filled flash lamp.The Rubi crystal is dipped with Chromium Oxide.the flashes are produced by discharging of a large capacitor.this flashes excites the chromium particles to a higher energy level.so when the flash stops the Chromium particles returns to ground level with emitting light energy.the emission from all the Chromium particles together constitutes LASER.The LASER is reflected in between the two reflecting surfaces.so more Chromium particles get excited an 'avalanche' of light emissions takes place.this high energy beam LASER gets out of the Rubi crystal through the partially reflecting end and it is concentrated on the workpiece by lens.For the production of the LASER,it is essential to have a low temperature for the Rubi crystal.so it is provided by the liquid Nitrogen passing through the space in between Rubi crystal and flash lamp.For the production of the flash,it is essential to have high temperature.so hot air is passed over flash lamp.

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